Our Ethos

Over the years, Cosmic Bazaar has shifted, grown & evolved to what it is today.
We've been flowing along, through the hills and seas, adapting at each crevice and mountain. The team, the clan, behind Cosmic Bazaar has undergone it's own evolution over the years. We've all gone through our own journeys, into the cosmos and back down to Earth again. We've experienced many different ways of being, gone through many layers of our own healing, and Cosmic Bazaar has had a powerful part to play.
We are here today because of the people that have connected with Cosmic Bazaar; the ones who forged Cosmic Bazaar from a blank canvas, and the ones who touched our heart with their essence and presence. We have all created this platform together and for this, we thank you. For your very existence and being, we see you. We are grateful and blessed to have connected with you. We love you.


Our mission since the beginning has been to help and care for others, and our home planet. Through this process we inevitably are helping ourselves. With this comes great responsibility, especially for our planet.

Without the Earth, we would not be here. As living human beings on this planet, it's our duty to care and love for her. As a company, it's even more important to make sure that we don't take advantage of our Earth's abundance and generosity.

Whilst sustainable is a term often used to promote a earth-conscious company, we believe we should be taking a step further than that. We are not here to just be sustainable; we are here to thrive, to live to our fullest potential, in abundance alongside our home planet. This way of living is integrated into every aspect of our business, to ensure a vibrant present & future for all.

We are constantly striving and evolving as individuals and a company, to not only have as little negative impact on the planet as possible, but to benefit it and create a better place to live, together. We are here to love, each other and the Earth. Let's do it together.

So whilst our range of products may change shift and change over time, our core ethos is always truly and simply about love. This is the fundamental reason for our very existence as a human, consciousness, and soul. Our goal through Cosmic Bazaar is to spread love and consciousness to each being we interact with. We all have enormous power to help others live to their full potential - to be healthy, joyful, peaceful and loving.

Let's come together, love together, create together, play together, and have an amazing time doing so!

What we stand for. Why we're here. Who is Cosmic Bazaar
A Consciously Co-Created Collaboration

We're pioneering a new way to do business, together.
Our intention is at the core of who we are, and we're ultimately here to spread love, joy, abundance and inspiration to live the life you dream of. Our mission is doing ethical business, collaborating with others along the way, and creating bridges that bring us closer to nature and each other.
Our business model is rather experimental, and it's evolving all the time. For example: we work our own hours, we don't have a phone number, and our meetings involve emotional check-ins and meditations.
We're a social enterprise, a hybrid business model between an NGO and a company. Profit isn't the bottom line for us, yet we've been growing and successful since 2017. Let's work, play and create our dreams together, one step at a time.

Ethically Sourced & Beyond Sustainable

We source our products from our own network we've built over the years. From people & suppliers that are also striving for a thriving world. Many of our products are sourced from local small businesses and farmers. We make sure it's free of any nasties and most of our goodies are organic. We always prioritise local and direct-to-the-source, even if we have to pay more. We need to go beyond just sustainable business practices, and move towards being truly regenerative, as nature intended.

Minimal Plastic & Waste

A core aspect of our business model is based on zero waste principals. We do our best to only send out biodegradable and non single use plastic packaging. Besides that we have various systems in place in our own depot to minimise the amount of waste we produce, and to upcycle as much as possible. It's a really hard job, and whilst we're by no means truly waste free, we really do what we can and instead of getting ourselves down we rather just keep trying our best and hope our customers do the same :)

Nature & Heart Centred

It takes community. Relationships are at the heart of all life, as they are in our business. Our approach as an eco-centric business is to look deeper at how we can unite with nature, and because we're ultimately nature too, each other. We strive to communi-cate in commun-ity, from our marketing and customer support, to our internal non-violent communication conflict resolution. Our heart, feelings and emotions join our logical business decision making, authentically voicing our in-the-moment truth.

Evolving with Innovation

We use technology as a powerful innovator, whether it be our solar powered alchemy space, our sophisticated eCommerce store, or our very own state of the art online platform called Celium. We're optimistic about technology being used for great things! Ultimately we'd be a very different business without it. We use some next level systems to make our business work efficiently so we can do more tasks that us humans enjoy doing. Bring on the age of Age of Aquarius!

A Consciously Co-Created Collaboration
Ethically Sourced & Beyond Sustainable
Minimal Plastic & Waste
Nature & Heart Centred
Evolving with Innovation