2020 year of plenty - Our yearly newsletter

Dec 04, 2020

2020.. a year with plenty.. of what?


This year certainly hasn't been boring in any sense. It's brought about some of the biggest shifts and changes that many of us have ever gone through.

A lot of us have gone through huge transformations, both internally and externally. We've gone through many emotional rollercoasters, been thrown with situations and challenges that we've never gone through before, having to adapt and evolve at a rapid rate. Whilst this may have been hard, we've certainly grown wiser and stronger from it, and we like to believe the world has too.

It's a time of profound evolution. There isn't a single being, be it person, animal, plant, mushroom or organism, that hasn't gone through this period of evolution this year. As a collective, as a global community, we have entered a New Earth. With deep uncertainty and an unknown future - we get to write this new story together. We get to decide how we want to create this new reality we live, this 'new normal' that so many people speak of. Things are never going back to the way they were, they can't, they shouldn't'. Our species has been on a path to self destruction for quite some time now, and it's time to change that. We must shift from the mind to the heart, a place we can all call home. It's time to take reclaim our power, to blaze a new trail, one where love, kindness and inter-connectedness are at our cores.

It is a time of remembrance, a time to reconnect to our roots, our mother Earth and our father sun and sky. We are nature, and we have a part to play in our planet, Gaia, and the way things play out.

Nature is said to operate on the edge of chaos, and we are truly bearing witness to that this past year. Instead of fearing it, let us embrace it and channel our energy into creating the future we all want. Let us gather to manifest the New Earth, a paradise and garden of eden that we can live, work, learn and play in, together.

💚 💙 💛 💗 💜


Our team has grown...again!

Lucky number...6? Wow, there's a lot of Cosmic Clanners these days.
We've had some beautiful souls join our team this year. A very special welcome to Tarn, Ruth & Adele - who are all bringing their magic to the Cosmic space.
We're so grateful to have been blessed with such a wonderful group of friends and family. Navigating this bigger team has been a very powerful experience for all of us. Working and playing together in our new space, keeping things fun and lighthearted, while putting in the hard work to make sure orders go out and admin is done on time 😉 Been an absolute blast and we look forward to our continued growth together! 🚀 Looks like another wonderful soul will be joining our team soon too. Also would love to announce that 2 of our team members have had a beautiful baby girl recently, welcome to Earth baby Ayla!

and on that note...

our new space has been born!

After almost 9 months in the creation (we started renting the space in October 2019), we officially moved into our new space on the 1st of July 2020!
A big move indeed, since the business has been located in a variety of different home offices (and lounges) since it's inception in June 2017. Huge shift!
Our 'space' has been an interesting one to give a name to...because it's neither a shop nor an office, nor a warehouse. It's a bit in between. A depot, showroom, or even 'downstairs' as it's often refered to (our team lives up the road from the shop, so home is upstairs, and the cosmic space is downstairs)
It's been a wonderful time weaving our working and playing into the beautiful space downstairs, and we're almost done with the last of the wood work.
Oh, and our shop is 100% made of upcycled pallet wood and furniture (give or take a few brackets and screws).
We're very proud of how far it's come in the last year, and super excited for an official opening at some point in the next few months. Although we don't plan on having it as a full blown shop/retail space (we're not the 9 to 5 kinda people), we are 100% open to anybody that wants to pop by and say hi and see what we do. Send us a message if you ever want to come over, we're based in Glencairn, Cape Town


New bizarre additions to our bazaar 🤪

where do we begin...
If there's one thing you should know about Cosmic Bazaar, it's that we're constantly evolving and welcoming in new additions to our range of offerings.
Our biggest new offering (which casually has become a core of the business) is FOOD.

Yes. FOOD. We stock over 100 different superfoods, dry foods, grains, legumes, seed, nuts, beans, dried fruit, pasta, flours, spices & seasonings, pasta, flour, oils, dressings & sauces, and some ultra healthy and delicious snacks...we've got it all! Most of our food is sourced from organic/naturally grown farms, and we try to get as much local food as possible. Funnily enough, we started doing our foods around 3 weeks before lockdown in March - we figured that since we're already getting good quality and healthy bulk foods for our home space, we may as well start doing it on business level too! And it's been going really well! It's been fascinating to connect with how and where our food is grown, and that we have a long way to go in making organic, healthy and wholesome food available for all! It's been great in having a part to place in this vision! All our foods are packed with NO PLASTIC packaging and they're also really affordable. You can order any amount, from a grams to a couple of kgs.

and more...

We've added many other goodies, such as a magical range of hand-crafted creations from our lovely friends - including crystal jewellery, orgonite (click the link to find out more), a divine feminine range (including moon pads), books, natural soaps, YUMMY (M)EDIBLES, and cleaning supplies, bulk teas and herbs, a lot of new medical mushroom medicine and honestly...so much more. We're adding new products pretty much every week, and none of them are boring (we hope).

  Canna Soap!

A warm welcome to the latest edition to our full spectrum cannabis range. It's great to use for your body and as a shampoo bar too!

Making the most out of African and organic ingredients, here's what you'll find in our new 100g all purpose, body and hair bar:

Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, Shea Butter, Cacao Butter, Castor Oil, Baobab oil, Marula oil, Argan oil, Essentials oil of Rose Geranium, Lavender, Eucalyptus, Ylang Ylang


...what else...

Before we talk about our end of year sale (in celebration of 2020!)... we'd like also just talk about some other things that have happened over the past year (our last newsletter was sent out in December 2019! how crazy!!

To start with, we now offer a 95% single use plastic free experience. We can't say 100%, because a few of our products we're still figuring out, and it's hard work to pioneer the zero waste space, especially when so many suppliers still use flippin' bubble wrap! All our packages are sent out in a brown flyer bag or box, packed with up-cycled old magazines or paper to keep them protected. Not a single trace of single use paper can be found in most of the orders we send out! We're super proud of this, and we're constantly improving to become 100% plastic free. Our next step is to offer official 'return points' for our bottles and jars, so we can keep reusing them.

We've also been working on our new learning space on our website. Although still in it's early phases, we aim to make this a spot to learn about all our wonderful plant, food and medicine offerings ... and beyond! We'll give special attention to the interconnectedness of natural medicine, healthy food, a balanced lifestyle, our feelings and emotions, and all life on earth. We'll have recipes and blog posts sharing all the wonderful wisdom and knowledge that we've been collecting over the years. For now though, there is a plant and herb guide, as well as a health section with recommendations of medicine/food for certain ailments. Soon we'll be adding a resources section with some highly recommended videos, podcasts, articles, etc

We've also been connecting with new shops and resellers, so be sure to check out our stockists page to find your closest spot to get some of our medicine locally.

We're also working on some new botanical oils and entheogens, but more on that next time.


Join our affiliate & referral network 🌎

We've been tinkering with our awesome affiliate system for the last few months, getting it all running smoothly and efficiently. And we're now ready to launch it to our email subscribers. Without writing another essay (& this newsletter is getting a bit long now), basically you can refer your friend or family member (or anyone else for that matter) to our website with your special link/code and you can get commission (in the form of 15% store credit to start with). It's a lovely way to get involved with what we do. We all get to spread love and our magical healing offerings to those we care about. Oh, and the person you refer also get's 10% off their order. It's a win-win-win for everyone!


Thank you for all the support everyone! We really do love you all so much and truly wish you a beautiful festive season full of fun, good times. Drive safe, eat healthy, try not to buy too much stuff you don't need (and covered in plastic), and remember to spread smiles where ever you go - whether you're wearing a mask or not :)

We hope to connect again with you soon.

Lots of love, peace, joy, laughs, strength and summer vibes,
The Cosmic Clan

Comments (1)

  • Love what you are doing and saying.
    Pioneering the future

    Janette Windell

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